Are you currently an undergraduate student enrolled in a STEMM (Science, Technology, Mathematics and Medicine) program at McGill?
Do you wish you could talk to someone who’s already been through the process? Maybe you’d like advice on how to choose the right major, how to apply to graduate school or grant applications, or how to write a resume and find a job after your degree?
STEMM Diversity at McGill, a student-driven initiative at McGill University, launched a mentorship program in Winter 2021. Our goal is to break the barriers that impede undergraduate and graduate students in under-represented groups within STEMM, so that they may feel a sense of belonging and thriving. Through an individualized mentorship program, we will pair undergraduate or incoming graduate students (mentees) with graduate students (mentors) to support them in their academic trajectories while creating an open community, where all concerns can be voiced and knowledge is shared.
Once matched, mentors and mentees will join other pairs at a welcome session, which will overview the mentorship program and its expectations. Each mentee will meet virtually or in-person with their mentors at least one time throughout the semester. A monthly newsletter will be sent to the mentor and mentee cohort with resources detailing job/co-op opportunities, academic resources, upcoming grants and talks, research positions, and other programs of interest. Workshops will be held for students in the program, but will be equally open to students outside the program. Our past successful workshops have focused on careers in STEMM, CV writing, grant applications, and pushback in equity, diversity, and inclusion activities.